Purchase an AED

To purchase an AED, you must first have two things in place. Since AEDs are controlled by the FDA, you must be able to prove, in writing, these two items.

  1. You have a physicians prescription in your possession.
    Don't worry, we can help you with this step.

  2. At least one individual in your facility must have attended training and be certified to operate an AED.
    Training is easy, and there are lots of local trainers. Here are a few.

Once you have met these two criteria, let us help!  Contact Westerly AED and we can discuss your circumstances and help you choose a unit best suited for your use case and environment.

Inventory Announcement: Nationwide supply chain issues have impacted AED inventory during the past year. They are ongoing, but slowly improving. Many brands of AEDs, and their associated replacement batteries and electrodes have had backorders. We keep some inventory on hand, but because of constantly changing availability we are currently not supporting on-line purchasing. Please call so that we can discuss your needs, help you choose a brand based on what is currently available within your required time-line, and get you the best price. Available inventory changes from one day to the next!

We sell and service AEDs by all the major manufacturers: Cardiac Science, Defibtech, Heart Sine, Philips, Physio Control, and Zoll.

Defibtech AED